Building a Better Business in 10 Steps

Building a Better Business in 10 Steps

The topic for our next Boardroom Briefing session is ‘Building a Better Business in 10 Steps’. The purpose of this workshop is to take our business owner participants through these 10 steps, including how to:Get clear on exactly what you want.Be open to change and new...

Alliance with ConsultingHQ Announced

We are excited to announce our recent partnership with leading outsource HR service, ConsultingHQ. Now we can bring an even wider range of valuable business support and coaching services to our business community both here and nationwide.Tanya Gray and her team of HR...

Setting Up Your Xero Ledger Correctly

So, you’ve made the decision to run your accounts on Xero. Well done! This is a great move for you and your business – the hard part is mostly done.Before you jump in and try setting up a Xero Account yourself using the free trial, we recommend giving us a call using...
Supporting Our Clients in Lockdown

Supporting Our Clients in Lockdown

As we move into what is expected to be a two-week period in Level 3, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your incredible patience and support as we all found new ways of working together during Alert Level 4.KGA Senior Accountant, Alison Enticott,...