by KGA Chartered Accountants | May 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
We have recently received advice from IRD confirming that they are continuing to focus on undeclared cash in the construction sector.IRD are letting Tax agents know they are going to write to some construction clients again about it. They are reminding them of their...
by KGA Chartered Accountants | Apr 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
A law change means new rules for parental leave from June 2017. Changes include when a new parent can take parental leave payments, and what happens if a baby is born prematurely. New leave rulesWhen: 1 June 2017.What: Parents who want to get parental leave...
by KGA Chartered Accountants | Mar 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
Being innovative is one of our key values at KGA, and we love the flexibility and service Tax Management New Zealand offers. Who is Tax Management New Zealand, and what do they do?TMNZ is New Zealand’s leading tax payment intermediary. The service they provide...
by KGA Chartered Accountants | Feb 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
People often ask “What is the advantage of having an Accountant, when I can file my own returns?“. Did you know?…• You will get an extension of time for filing Tax returnsIncome tax returns for the year ending 31 March 2016 are due by 7 July 2016.7th July comes...
by KGA Chartered Accountants | Jan 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
If you regularly sell goods online, including on auction sites like Trade Me, you are “in trade”.This means you have the same tax obligations as any other business — income tax and possibly GST. And you must also follow consumer laws, eg the Consumer Guarantees Act...