No matter what your workplace or business location right now, health & wellbeing is an important topic that we all need to pay some attention to each day.

For any of you who have attended our Planning for Success Seminars or other business coaching events, this topic will be familiar as  your ability to stay resilient as a business owner is what will keep you on the path to success – through all the challenges that come with this.

In taking a holistic approach to safety and wellbeing, some examples of how you can do this in your business or workplace include:

  • Measuring the culture of organisations in relation to health and wellbeing to identify key opportunities for improvement

  • Develop capability within the organisation to help managers/leaders and others to support mental health

  • Developing wellbeing programmes to support employees mental and physical health

  • Developing company specific policies and procedures that encourage healthy mental wellbeing

  • Supporting businesses to help employees with mental wellbeing issues that may be affecting the employee and the workplace

Mentemia App

Mentemia is a FREE mental health app founded by Sir John Kirwan and Adam Clark.

Mentemia is “a deeply engaging digital platform that helps people improve their daily mental wellbeing through science-backed tools and expert content. Mentemia was founded by “

Mentemia state that the app “is for everyone. The app is purpose-built for working age people but can be used by ages 12 and up. Mentemia provides useful information and tools to help people build healthy daily habits that enhance their mental wellbeing and resilience.”

For more information about how the Mentemia app could help your business request information at 


Wellplace NZ Workplace practices for a mentally healthy organisation

Wellplace NZ state that the following wellbeing practices should be incorporated to promote mental wellbeing at work:

  • Zero tolerance of discrimination – Commit to fair processes for all and provide support and work accommodations as you would for any physical health issue or personal situation.

  • Zero tolerance of bullying – Educate what bullying is, reinforce expected behaviour guidelines and take immediate action if they aren’t met.

  • Make mentally healthy behaviours part of your organisation’s culture –Reinforce positive ways of working. Provide supporting resources and promote activities or exercises that support these, such as focusing on the Five Ways to Wellbeing.

  • Encourage positive interactions based on trust, respect and civility – Role model trust-based conversations and actions by following through on what you say, and stamp out rude behaviour.

  • Manage and support employees – Recognise and build on their strengths, and find ways to use those strengths in their work.

  • Promote teamwork and reduce social isolation – Make sure your people work together for a common aim, even if their tasks don’t overlap.

  • Acknowledge emotions in the workplace – Be aware of them and respond empathetically and supportively.

  • Build a culture where people take responsibility for their emotions and ask for help – Make discussing emotions easy to talk about, and have support readily available.

Wellplace NZ has tools to help businesses create Mental Wellbeing Policies and Action Plans- find out more HERE

Contact Us

Your KGA Accounting Plus client manager is also here for your support.  We provide one-on-one coaching plus group seminars to guide all our business owner clients through the successes and challenges of running a business.